Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Prepping for Longer Distances

With my first 5k behind me, I find myself ready to move on - at least mentally. So this morning I spent some time looking for half-marathon training programs. Little known fact: if you can comfortably run a 5k and do training runs at least 3 miles long, 3 times per week, you can begin a beginner's half-marathon training program.

I have looked through several half-marathon training programs, and I will try to take notes and give you all a run down over the next couple of days. In the meantime though, I came across this excellent article on Web-MD about how to mentally prepare, and things that long distance runners wish they'd known when they were starting out:

Where are you in your running journey? What are you training for right now? Do you plan to stop there? What is the distance you'd ultimately like to do?


  1. I vote for Hal Higdon's training program. It's easy to follow, allows room for "real life" and he explains the significance of every week.

    I just completed my first two marathons (in June) a mere two weeks apart. (I do not recommend this- I particularly don't recommend it in the summer.) I am going to start training for the Philadelphia Marathon soon. I expect a personal record. :)

  2. Wow, congratulations!! Hal Higdon was on my list, and it was brought up on the Faceboook page too, I may have to look a little closer at that one :)
