One of the worst things about being over-weight and taking on vigorous exercise is the chafing. Bloody nipples, chapped thighs, blistered feet...the list goes on. Enter your new best friend: Body Glide. No, its not something one would find while lurking around an 'adult bookstore'.
Rather, Body Glide is this miraculous waxy substance that creates an anti-chafe barrier on the skin. Very long distance runners use it to protect against the inevitable chafing that comes with 26+ miles of rubbing waist bands and sports bras. For those of us that have more areas that rub up against each other, Body Glide is excellent from the first run. I use it liberally on my inner thighs. I know of others that use it on their feet, nipples, etc.
Body Glide comes in a deodorant-like container, and rolls on the same way as deodorant. It is not greasy, not slippery, and has no scent or odor at all. It is not visible on the skin unless you really look for it (and lets be honest, its likely to be under your clothes or covered in sweat anyway).
Ladies: Body Glide does make a women's formula. However, its a big fat attempt to get you to spend more money. It is exactly the same thing, but with a slight perfume-y scent, and costs a decent amount more than the original formula.
Body Glide can be found at running specialty stores, or at some outdoor and sporting goods stores (including many REI's). Click on the picture to read more about Body Glide, including a zip-code search on where to get it near you.
this stuff is essential- but in a pinch, chapstick will do the trick. :)