Sunday, July 10, 2011

Displaying your Bling

Ok, I admit it, I'm in it for the bling.

Race medals are cool, and are a tangible, visible reminder of your accomplishments - of how far you've come. Not nearly enough 5k races award their runners with medals, but if you can find one, I highly recommend it. As the race distances get longer, the medals get to be more of a given.

I often just peruse message boards and forums about running. Sometimes I'm looking for something specific, but most often not - I just like to absorb as much knowledge as I can on any subject that I love. On one of these perusals I stumbled upon some amazing medal display racks. Allied Medal Displays makes amazing die-cut aluminum medal holders. With designs from personalization such as your name (or whatever else you want it to say), to standard designs that say things like "Always Earned, Never Given", "Runner Girl", "I Run This Town", and my personal favorite "Pigs Fly", there is an amazing rack for nearly everyone. My only minor complaint is on the pricing - and even then, the price is perfectly appropriate to the product, I just happen to be a broke grad student.

I do however happen to have a very modest amount of creativity, so I set out to find a way to make something at least approaching the clean elegance of Allied Medal's designs. Here is what I ended up with:

Not nearly as cool as the Allied Medal ones, but at less than $15 total, it fit my wallet better. Maybe I'll ask for one of the Allied Medal ones for Christmas :)

How about you? How do you display your medals? If you haven't gotten any yet, how would you like to display them?

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