Race Name: The Thankful 13
Distances offered: Half Marathon, 5K, Kids Run
Distance I ran: 5K
Timed? Yes, chipped.
Location: Lehi, UT
Traveled? No
Recommended? Yes!
Time to earn our turkey! We had played with the idea of doing some kind of Turkey Trot for the past couple of years, but then we would wind up either travelling elsewhere or hosting at our house and feeling like lousy hosts if we left. This year though, we had to stay home for other reasons, and we didn't wind up hosting anyone either - the time had finally come!
Utah is great for runners, and as with many other categories of races, there are lots to choose from for Thanksgiving. The biggest and most popular is the Utah Human Race - which benefits the Utah Food bank. While that one is undoubtedly a great cause, its huge and seemed likely to be a little unwieldy, when we were looking for something a little more low-key. The Thankful 13 had lots of things going for it - it is a Runtastic Events race, which we've had great experiences with, it is partnered with a charity (food bank), and offered medals!
A few highlights of this race: Turkeys, pies, and hot chocolate!
Pre-race communication: 3.5/5
The pre-race emails for this race were a little confusing. I registered myself and both kids using my email address, while hubby was registered using his own email. In the past, I would get 3 copies of the same email (one for me, and one for each kid). This time, I got the 3 identical confirmation emails, but then the race guide email a few days ahead of time were different. I got two different versions (one came to my son, the other to me and my daughter) that had different information. Then, my husband got a third version that was entirely different from either of the ones that I got. I probably wouldn't have even noticed, except that in the email that hubby got there were very specific instructions for packet pickup (enter between Calvin Klein, etc), but those instructions weren't in the email that I got.
Packet pickup: 4.5/5
Packet pickup was at the Traverse Mountain Outlets in Lehi and took place on the Tuesday before the race from 3pm to 8pm and the day before the race from 10am to 8pm. Since hubby had specific instructions on where to find packet pick-up, it was quick and easy.
The schwag: 4/5
The race shirt was a long-sleeve super soft polyester. Aside from the shirt and race bib, there were a couple of inserts for local running stores and races, a granola bar, and an Emergen-C drink packet.
Race parking and getting the race started: 3.5/5
Parking at the race was at and around the Mountainland Applied Technology College (MATC) behind Thanksgiving Point. There was little parking, so there were cars lining the street and side streets, and right up to the Megaplex theater - which is only about a block or two away and is where we parked.The Half Marathon and 5K were both loops and shared the Start/Finish line. There were plenty of port-a-potties at the start/finish line area. The finish line area was set up and playing music, and it was freezing! I should say that we actually got a very mild Thanksgiving (as far as Utah Thanksgivings go), but right before the race started, it was frigid! The only one of us that thought to wear a hat was hubby, so we were mostly aware of our ears hurting! The Half Marathon started with a loud count down at 8am, and then us 5kers started at 8:30.
Half Marathon race start. |
A special escort by the Utah National Guard - who ran in full uniform and carrying flags! |
The course: 4/5
The course ran through Lehi residential neighborhoods and the Jordan River Parkway trail. The route was mostly flat, but did have one pretty serious dip (that is, it had an uphill going both directions) in the first/last quarter mile - it only lasted for about 1/2 block, but it was steep! The route was well marked and the only spot where we could feasibly have made a wrong turn, they had a flagger to direct everyone. Prior to the race, runners were encouraged to submit things that they were thankful for. All along the route, signs appeared that had some of these thankful thoughts. Some super funny ones, "I'm thankful for horizontal running" (with a picture from the scene in Pitch Perfect), and others were super sweet "I'm thankful for the baby in my tummy....surprise!"
The atmosphere: 5/5
Before the race, the predominant feeling was cold! On the course, everyone seemed relaxed and like they were having a good time. There were lots of kids, and lots of people just chatting and having a good time. Several people that lived along the route came out and waved and yelled 'Happy Thanksgiving!' as we went by. After the race, there was lots of loud music, and most people that had finished gathered around to cheer on the runners as they came in.
The aid stations: 3/5
The 5K course had 1 aid station with water, PowerAde, and port-a-potties. The Half Marathon had several - hubby doesn't remember if there were 4 or 5, but he says they were well spaced, well stocked, and well manned!
The bling: 5/5
Front |
Back |
I loved this! That quote may well become my personal mantra!
The finish line: 5/5
The finish line was full of hot chocolate, pumpkin pie, and dinner rolls in addition to your more standard bananas, oranges, water, and PowerAde. The music was cranked up, and had lots of good variety. There were giveaways and mini-contests for turkeys and pies. It was generally a fun time!
Apparently this was the only finish line photo I took, lol! |
The hot chocolate and pumpkin pie were pretty awesome!
Final thoughts:
The race was well thought-out and well organized. We all had a great time! We especially loved seeing the "I'm thankful for..." signs along the route - it was a great way to liven up the run!